dspblok™ +USB User Manual Page 5 Hardware Overview The dspblok +USB is a small module measuring 60mm x 60mm (” x ”). JH2 and JH4 – JH8 are 2mm male headers that are installed on the bottom side of the pc assembly. JH1 and JH3 are . dspblok™ +USB User Manual Page 2 Intended Audience The dspblok +USB requires an understanding of the Analog Devices’ ADSP and the associated tools used for development. If the dspblok +USB is going to be integrated into a larger hardware design, then it is also assumed that the user is familiar with basic hardware design. ADSPxx SHARC Processor Hardware Reference, Revision , April
The ADSP has 20 DAI lines and 14 DPI lines. Collectively these can be thought of as two sets of crossbar switches that connect to a wealth of peripherals. dspblok™ +USB User Manual Page 6 Hardware Overview The dspblok +USB is a small module measuring 60mm x 60mm (” x ”). JH2 and JH4 – JH8 are 2mm male headers that are installed on the bottom side of the pc assembly. JH1 and JH3 are mounted on the top side of the pc assembly. Please advise on the correct procedure for aborting an ongoing FFT computation. I have tried the following but the core hangs if there is an active acclerator DMA (as indicated in FFTDMASTAT register) at the time of termination.
ADSPxx SHARC Processor Hardware Reference Fetching VISA Instructions From External Memory. the ADSP/ADSP Processor Data Sheet. We have 1 Analog Devices SHARC ADSP manual available for free PDF download: Selecting Hardware Development Tools Hardware Reference Manuals. ADSPxx SHARC Processor Hardware Reference Writing Instructions to External Memory. Fetching VISA Instructions From External Memory.